Teaching a DeCal course through the AAS Department:
Getting Started!
- Do your research. Go to How to Start a DeCal(link is external) and Special Studies(link is external) and read everything there is to know about establishing and teaching a DeCal course. For further information and training see Student Learning Deadlines(link is external).
- Find an AAS faculty sponsor.
- Develop your course syllabus. A list of items that must be included in your syllabus is outlined on the Special Studies Student Checklist which is a part of the Course Proposal Form (CPF) below.
Procedures: Students planning to offer a DeCal AAS 98/198 course must provide the following for approval:
- Completed COCI Special Studies Course Proposal Form (CPF), available on the following websites: Course Proposal Form (CPF) (PDF file)(link is external) . Students must download and complete this form and obtain the faculty sponsor’s signature before submitting it to the Undergraduate Adviser (UA), who will then obtain the Chair’s signature;
- Syllabus of the proposed course;
- A designated lead facilitator to liaise with the department (if there is more than one facilitator);
- Course description, including the criteria required for students to pass the course;
- AAS DeCal Student Info Sheet available below or through the UA’s Office. (One form is required for each course facilitator)
- AAS DeCal Special Course Checklist available below or through the UA’s office.
All documentation must be submitted to the Undergraduate Adviser by the posted due date. As soon as the course has been approved, the lead facilitator should see the UA in 608 Social Sciences Building for information regarding room scheduling and class numbers.
How to Start a DeCal(link is external)
AAS DeCal Student Info Sheet (PDF file)
AAS DeCal Special Course Checklist (PDF file)
All DeCal courses must have approval several weeks before the end of the previous semester. If you wish to offer a AAS DeCal class, all signed paperwork must be submitted in person to the Undergraduate Adviser in 608 Social Sciences Building by the following deadlines:
- The deadline for proposed Fall DeCal courses is the last week of April.
- The deadline for proposed Spring DeCal courses is the last week of October.
The Department will approve DeCal courses on a first-come, first-served basis. Individual faculty members may sponsor one DeCal course per semester. Student facilitators offering a DeCal through the African American Studies Department MUST BE A DECLARED AAS MAJOR or MINOR and MUST take the Undergraduate Course Facilitator Training and Resources(link is external) (UCFTR).
Academic Credit for Facilitating a DeCal Course:
Student Facilitators can receive academic credit by enrolling in AAS 99, 199 or 197. Students should contact the Undergraduate advisor for further information.